اهتمام واسع بمؤتمر "ذا سين" في صحف الكويت

اهتمت صحف "الأنباء"، و"الجريدة"، و"الراي" الصادرة اليوم – الثاني من ابريل - بمؤتمر "ذا سين" الذي ستبدأ أعماله الأسبوع القادم.  ونقلت عن الدكتور فهد السميط، رئيس القسم الإعلام الانشطة والمحاور التي يغطيها المؤتمر.

لمزيد من التفاصيل عن التقرير الخاص بمؤتمر THE SEEN ، يمكنكم الضغط على صحيفة  :"الجريدة".



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THE SEEN conference featured in ARAB TIMES

ARAB TIMES، the Kuwait daily newspaper, highlighted THE SEEN conference that will take place between 9~11 of April, 2018. Dr. Fahed Al-Sumait, MCM department chair was featured talking about THE SEEN activities, speakers, panel discussion, and workshops .

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MCM Students Take Leading Roles

According to Ms. Antonia Jolic, Visual Communication Instructor in the MCM Department and lead faculty organizer for The SEEN, "Our department is always eager to find ways that we can help students develop skills and apply themselves outside of the classroom. But this is a challenge since we only have them in class for such a short period each day." The SEEN conference has provided an opportunity for the department to help overcome that challenge.

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